
705 Driggs Avenue

The Central Connecticut State University Art Galleries are first and foremost educational galleries. Every semester, we have at least three major shows, one of which showcases CCSU student artwork. In May, at the end of the spring semester, studio art majors exhibit their work, and in December, at the end of the fall semester, art education majors exhibit their work before beginning their student teaching in the spring. 

The CCSU Art Galleries invite artists from all over the country to exhibit and have had the pleasure of showing artists ranging from CCSU alumni to West Coast folk artists, from cutting-edge New York artists to such acclaimed artists as Philip Pearlstein, Faith Ringgold, and Judy Chicago.

Come check out the first exhibition of the 2015 Spring Semester! We have a collection of 27 artists from Brooklyn, New York. Many of these artists have worked there for thirty years or more and have exhibited widely throughout the country and internationally.
All showing here at CCSU!